We are as passionate about serving our nonprofit community as they are to carrying out their missions.
We service nonprofits from educational, charitable, religious and social organizations, to foundations, trade associations, and service organizations.
For decades our clients in education have relied on us, from kindergarten through high school to private university, including charter schools.
The professionals at Wegmann Dazet bring experience and expertise to help you and our clients navigate the everchanging and complex world of accounting, auditing, and tax compliance. Our professionals provide prompt resolution of technical issues through partner-led client service teams and direct access to technical leaders.

Our services include:
Audit Services
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
- Generally Accepted Governmental Auditing Standards (GAGAS)
- Yellow Book
- Uniform Guidance (Single Audits)
- Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) including 401k and 403b plans
Other Financial Services
- Louisiana Legislative Auditor’s State Agreed Upon Procedures
- Louisiana Legislative Auditor’s State Agreed Upon Procedures for Schedules of Performance and Statistical Data Required by Louisiana Revised Statue 24:514 I for Charter Schools
- Reviewed or Compiled Financial Statements
- Assistance with Cost Allocation Formulas
Tax Services
- Federal and State tax preparation and filing (Form 990)
- Unrelated Business Income tax filing (Form 990T)
- Tax research and consulting
- State and local tax consulting (SALT) including sales tax
With our passion for serving clients in this industry, why not Contact us today to help your educational entity or nonprofit?